Leadership /  Board of advisors
Joseph Khoury
Founding partner of REACH, and CEO since the inception of the company
Born in 1953 Languages : Arabic, French and English. Joseph Khoury is a founding partner of REACH, and CEO since the inception of the company

Born in 1953  

Languages : Arabic, French and English.

Joseph Khoury is a founding partner of REACH, and CEO since the inception of the company

Specialty : Social Psychological and Marketing research, owner of patents in psychometric measurement

PhD  in Social Psychology, Sorbonne Paris, France 1977 

Professor of social psychology (1977) In charge of post graduate courses in social psychology at the Lebanese University (present)

CEO  of  REACH- Research and Consulting House, a research company covering the Middle -East
Over 34 years in handling and managing research projects

23 publications in Revue Francaise de Soicologie, ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing research), as well as books on the future of education and social trends in Lebanon and the Arab World

The Calvary of a people, social consequences of the war in Lebanon,   Caritas, Lebanon,1978 (co-authored)
Breeding the Future, socialization of the Lebanese Adolescent, 12-16 years old , -Center for Research and Pedagogical Development- Ministry of Education in Lebanon- 1980 (co-authored)
Morale of a Tormented People, a public opinion study in a Lebanon torn by war, House of the Future, Lebanon, 1981 (co-authored)
Building up and putting into use a Cultural Patterns monitor, in ESOMAR, Seminar on Research in Arab Countries,,1987, seminar paper (co-authored)
The TakeOver generation, a reseacrh on education in Lebanon and what kind of educational programs are likley to breed leadership values (4 volumes- 1989-1993) conducted for the benefit of the Sts Coeurs (Jesuit Schools in Lebanon) Pedagogical Bureau, co-auhtored)
Religious Values in Lebanon, Cultural Orientations and the Dynamics of Faith, evolution between 1989 and 2003, Notre-Dame University Press, Lebanon, 2003 (co-authored)
Various research studies on public space to “educate” decision malkers on the needs of the Lebanese public, conducted with NDU University Research Center (1996-2004)
Media content and socio-cultural trends, ART, 2007 
The Youth socio cultural orientations in the GCC countries , Qatar Higher Council for Family affairs, 2008
TV programming content quality, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, OSN, ongoing since 2004 

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