Publications /
Crossing Towards the State
of Law

Discussing whether the political system in Lebanon can
cross towards the State of Law requires a deep analysis
of its working mechanisms and the main obstacles that
have undermined all efforts to establish the State of Law
in accordance with the constitutional, administrative and
democratic standards. It also requires an in-depth look
into geopolitical challenges that continue to hamper the
building of the State of Law.
Accordingly, it is important to unveil the disparity between confessionalism and the concept of modern state, whereby respect of human rights, civil and political rights, citizenship and equality before the law are pillars.
Accordingly, it is important to unveil the disparity between confessionalism and the concept of modern state, whereby respect of human rights, civil and political rights, citizenship and equality before the law are pillars.
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الوكالة الوطنية للاعـلام
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