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Policy Papers
The Governance, the Lebanese Way
Case Study: A&M Contract
December 12, 2021
Lebanon is undergoing a stifling economic crisis that has had repercussions on all aspects of life amid a faltering political recession,going from presidential, to parliamentary and governmental vacuums,to political settlements and quota governments, the last of which was the formation of a government that was soon obstructed from within, which exposed its political structure that was based on partisan and sectarian divisions. The political recession left a devastating impact on the economic and the financial levels. The Lebanese lira went through an unprecedented collapse against the dollar, which has had repercussions on livelihoods amongst all social classes in Lebanon. Since the October 17 revolution in 2019, the Lebanese people have been standing against the political class that has been ruling the country over the past years. In addition to this stifling scene, the deterioration of the relations with the Gulf states – that is unusual within Lebanon’s diplomatic relations – has transformed the nation of openness and pluralism to an isolated zone in its surroundings.
Lebanon is undergoing a stifling economic crisis that has had repercussions on all aspects of life amid a faltering political recession,going from presidential, to parliamentary and governmental vacuums,to political settlements and quota governments, the last of which was the formation of a government that was soon obstructed from within, which exposed its political structure that was based on partisan and sectarian divisions. The political recession left a devastating impact on the economic and the financial levels. The Lebanese lira went through an unprecedented collapse against the dollar, which has had repercussions on livelihoods amongst all social classes in Lebanon. Since the October 17 revolution in 2019, the Lebanese people have been standing against the political class that has been ruling the country over the past years. In addition to this stifling scene, the deterioration of the relations with the Gulf states – that is unusual within Lebanon’s diplomatic relations – has transformed the nation of openness and pluralism to an isolated zone in its surroundings.
Policy papers #26 - The Governance, the Lebanese Way - Case Study: A&M Contract
Policy papers #26 - The Governance, the Lebanese Way - Case Study: A&M Contract
الحوكمة على الطريقة اللبنانية مراجعة عقد التدقيق الجنائي مع A&M
يمرّ لبنان بأزمة اقتصادية خانقة ارتدّت تداعياتها على كل مرافق الحياة في ظل الانكماش السياسي المتعثر تباعاً بين فراغات رئاسية ونيابية وحكومية، وبين تسويات سياسية وحكومات محاصصة كان آخرها تشكيل حكومة ما لبثت أن تعرضت للتعطيل من داخلها، ما عرّى تكوينها السياسي القائم على التقاسم الحزبي والمذهبي. وفَعَلَ الانكماش السياسي فعله المدمرّ للاقتصاد والمال، فشهدت الليرة اللبنانية انهياراً غير مسبوق مقابل الدولار، ما أرخى بتداعيات معيشية على كل طبقات الشعب اللبناني الذي واجه في ثورة 17 تشرين الأول/أكتوبر من العام 2019 وبعدها، المنظومة السياسية التي حكمت البلاد في السنوات الأخيرة. يضاف الى المشهد الخانق تردي العلاقات مع دول الخليج في سابقة غير مألوفة في علاقات لبنان الديبلوماسية، ما حوّل وطن الانفتاح والتعددية الى مساحة معزولة في محيطه.
اوراق سياسية رقم 26 – الحوكمة على الطريقة اللبنانية
اوراق سياسية رقم 26 – الحوكمة على الطريقة اللبنانية
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